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750a Fulham Road, Fulham,
London SW6 5SH

257 New Kings Road, Fulham,
London SW6 4RB

020 7736 6276
750a Fulham Road, Fulham, London SW6 5SH
257 New Kings Road, Fulham, London, SW6 4RB

Pure Calm: How to get over a fear of the dentist

Here at Pure Smiles, we understand that the dentist can be a daunting prospect. That's why we have adopted slow dentistry to make people feel as comfortable as possible when they visit us. However, if you're someone that suffers from dental anxiety, it's especially important that you have ways to overcome your fear and maintain your composure when visiting the dentist. Here are five ways to get over your fear of the dentist.

Sit down with your dentist beforehand

Talking about your problems can make a big difference to your state of mind. If you’re experiencing dental anxiety, our doors are always open for a conversation. We use slow dentistry methods to deliver the very best treatment, and deep discussions about your teeth are part of that process. It doesn’t matter what part of the dentist you’re anxious about - we’re always up for a chat a day or two before your appointment.

Familiarise yourself 

We get it - sometimes sitting in the dentist chair can feel pretty intimidating. Familiarising yourself with our surgery can make you feel a lot more relaxed when it comes to your treatment. We’re more than happy to show our patients around and spread some light on our dental devices. With a wider knowledge and understanding of our surgery, that fear of the unknown won’t be as strong on appointment day.

Take a friend or family member

Don’t feel like you have to go through your dental anxiety alone. Bringing a friend or family member along can provide you with just the support you need to get through your appointment. Taking them to your pre-appointment chat is another good idea for those suffering from dental anxiety. Whether they’re calming you down in the waiting room or holding your hand during the check-up, having some support can make all the difference when you’re anxious about the dentist.

Bring some headphones

Headphones are a saving grace for anyone with dental anxiety. Sticking on your favourite tunes, closing your eyes and removing your mind from the treatment room can help push you through the entire experience. Podcasts are also great for helping you concentrate on something else. We recommend practising some simple meditation techniques to keep yourself focused too. It’ll all be over before you know it.

If you’re a long-term sufferer of dental anxiety, we suggest booking an early morning appointment to give yourself less time in the day to mull over your nerves. Book an appointment with Pure Smiles today and we’ll help you move past your dental anxiety for good.

speak to us020 7736 6276

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