New treatment alert: Cerezen Ear Canal Inserts
This month saw the launch of our brand new treatment for treating TMJ pain - a problem affecting the 'chewing' muscles and the joints between the lower jaw and the base of the skull.
Cerezen™ inserts treat the temporomandibular joint at its nearest access point - the ear canal. They consist of two custom-made, hollow inserts that fit in the ear canals. Because they are hollow, the inserts permit full passage of sound. When in place, the inserts rest in the outer part of the ear canal and have small retraction posts that allow for easy removal. They are easy for you to insert and remove and when worn are practically invisible!
You can click here to find out more about Careen ear inserts, or call us on to book in for a consultation. Also, read on to find out how our very own Dental Nurse Dolley got on with them.