Caring for Fulham since 2009

750a Fulham Road, Fulham,
London SW6 5SH

257 New Kings Road, Fulham,
London SW6 4RB

020 7736 6276
750a Fulham Road, Fulham, London SW6 5SH
257 New Kings Road, Fulham, London, SW6 4RB

London-Tooth Whitening

Whitening your teeth is one if the most popular modern treatments, a quick and easy way to brighten your smile and improve your confidence.

Here are our top tips for tooth whitening:

  • Invest in an electric toothbrush- We have been recommending these devices for years, they are so good at removing the surface stains and debris, brushing at night is so important as it removes the stains before they have time to attach to your teeth whilst you sleep.
  • Choose the right toothpaste- Toothpastes that claim to whiten your teeth go not work, so rather than wasting your money select a toothpaste that will be effective at removing surface 70-501 stains, generally those containing baking soda are good at keeping your teeth stain free.
  • Visit our hygienist regularly and take good care of your gums, healthy gums have a pink and firm appearance which outlines your teeth beautifully. Unhealthy gums look red and irritated making your teeth look less attractive.
  • There are obviously foods that will stain your teeth, curry, red wine, soy sauce. Did you know that there are also foods that will actually work to remove stain from your teeth, natural whole foods such as celery, apples, broccoli carrots etc will work like an exfoliant for your teeth, scrubbing off the stains before they can stick to your teeth.
  • If you decide to have your teeth whitened see a professional, do not be tempted by offers in Beauty salons and shopping malls. Some of these outlets are illegal and use of these chemicals in inexperienced hands can damage your teeth irreversibly. Your teeth are natural and deserve to be 9L0-625 treated by a dentist who knows how to whiten teeth.
  • Drink with a straw! Coloured drinks such as red wine, cranberry juice or any pigmented drinks have stains which can seep into the surface of your teeth. Drinking with a straw will reduce the amount of colourant that contacts your teeth helping to keep them bright and white.

Our dentists have vast experience in tooth whitening. Our preferred system, Enlighten, is the only whitening system that guarantees your results, using a combination of customised trays and in surgery whitening to create the bright smile you have always wanted.

So if you are considering tooth whitening in London, call us for a complimentary consultation and let our dentists suggest the most effective system for you.

speak to us020 7736 6276

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