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Is Vaping Bad for Your Teeth? (Truth Revealed)

Yes, we all know how bad smoking cigarettes can be for our oral health, leading to stains, bad breath, and nasty oral diseases. The links between cigarettes and gum disease have been reported for a long time. But is the same true for vaping? There appears to be confusion online and a consensus has yet to be reached on the full effects of vaping, so we want to offer you some facts about the habit and what it can mean for your teeth and gums.

Does Vaping Affect Your Teeth?

While the tobacco, tar, and other chemicals that are present in cigarettes might not exist within the vaping product you purchase, this doesn’t mean there is nothing bad for you in them.

Most vapes contain nicotine, a chemical used in cigarettes that you can become addicted to. Aside from being a highly addictive drug, nicotine can also lead to poor oral health. There is some research to indicate that nicotine contributes towards gum disease, tooth decay, bad breath, and staining, among other things.

When powered up, vapes are typically heated and the liquid within a vape device can lead to enamel problems and sensitivity at a higher temperature.

Predominantly, the idea behind vapes is that they help former smokers stay away from cigarettes and hopefully quit altogether further down the line. One societal problem we’re witnessing is people who’ve never smoked take up the habit of vaping. This could increase the number of people needing urgent dental care when we thought the numbers were dropping thanks to smoking figures falling.

Switching from vapes containing nicotine to those that have zero nicotine content is a good short-term measure to not only break your reliance on the substance but also reduce the likelihood of poor oral health, like gum disease or tooth decay.

How Else Can Vapes Harm Your Teeth?

The hard, plastic substance of disposable vapes is put into your mouth almost automatically if you are addicted to them. If you aren’t careful about how you use them, you could chip your teeth by aggressively inserting them into your mouth, leaving a garish blemish on your tooth’s surface.

Let’s say you’re on a night out, you’ve had a couple of drinks and are tempted by the vaping device you use. People tend to be a bit more careless when they’re tipsy, meaning a chipped tooth is more likely to occur than otherwise. We’d suggest you stop this habit altogether, but if you insist on using a vape pen, be cautious about how you use it for the state of your teeth.

Although it is generally deemed better than smoking cigarettes or cigars, vapes can hurt your oral health too. Seek assistance if you want help with quitting and book an appointment with Pure Smiles to check your teeth and gums to see if you need any professional oral care.

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